
So, You’re Intigued by Straw Bale Gardening?

Straw Bale Gardening has gathered some momentum in the last couple of years. David and I started straw bale gardening in 2017 after our friends Nick and Tauna had such great success with theirs.

Our main purpose for trying straw bale gardening was the tomatoes. You just can’t buy flavorful tomatoes in the grocery stores anymore and going to the farmers market at 7:00 AM on a Saturday morning was just not an option for us. We live nearly 40 miles from the nearest farmers market (over 30 miles round trip to the nearest grocery store). So, we decided to give it a try last year.

We started with 12 straw bales, 2 bermuda bales and 2 alfalfa bales (my husband likes to do his own research). We wanted to test to see how the different bales would hold up. We used the “recipe” for cooking the bales found in Joel Karstens “Straw Bale Gardening” book, which you can find on his website and in this article.

Our straw bales grew wheat and looked like “chia pets” before we planted, the alfalfa bales got so hot they decomposed too fast. The Bermuda grass bales were just right.

That’s why we decided to use all Bermuda grass bales this year.

Alfalfa bales decomposed too quickly
You can see where the wheat straw still had wheat seed in it.

So, as I said, this year we used all Bermuda grass. Keep following to see how well our garden grows.